Step-by-Step Shopware 5 to 6 Migration Guide for Success

 Shopware 5 to 6 migration guide. It represents a seamless and professional migration process, showcasing eCommerce data being transferred with a clean and modern design

A Shopware 5 to 6 migration is the process of moving your eCommerce store from the Shopware 5 platform to the more advanced, flexible, and scalable Shopware 6.

The best Shopware 5 to 6 migration ensures a seamless transition with zero downtime, complete data integrity, and optimized performance, all handled expertly by Web Solutions NYC.

Read this guide to discover how to unlock Shopware 6’s full potential and set your business up for long-term growth and success.

Top 5 Key Takeaways for a Seamless Shopware 5 to 6 Migration

  1. Shopware 6 is Built for Growth
    Migrating from Shopware 5 to 6 opens the door to scalable features, like multi-currency, multi-language support, and omnichannel capabilities, making it ideal for businesses looking to expand globally.
  2. Data Integrity is Key
    Ensuring a smooth transition means safeguarding all your critical data—from products to customer information—so that nothing is lost or compromised during the migration.
  3. Customization Gets an Upgrade
    With Shopware 6’s modular architecture, rebuilding or reworking custom plugins and themes is easier and more flexible, allowing for greater personalization and innovation compared to Shopware 5.
  4. Ongoing Optimization Drives Success
    The migration doesn’t end once your store is live—regular updates and ongoing optimization are essential to keeping your Shopware 6 store performing at its peak and ahead of the competition.
  5. Expert Guidance Makes All the Difference
    A successful Shopware 5 to 6 migration requires the expertise of a dedicated partner like Web Solutions NYC, ensuring a seamless process with long-term support for future growth.

With these takeaways in mind, let’s dive into the step-by-step guide that will show you how to make your Shopware 5 to 6 migration a success!

Welcome to the Exciting Evolution of Shopware: Your Migration Journey Starts Here

The world of eCommerce is always evolving, and staying ahead means embracing the best tools to drive success. Shopware 6 is at the forefront of this evolution, offering unmatched scalability, flexibility, and performance improvements over Shopware 5. If you’re still operating on Shopware 5, it’s time to consider how a migration to Shopware 6 can future-proof your business and set you up for long-term growth.

Why is this migration so crucial? Simple. In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, eCommerce businesses need platforms that can adapt and scale as their customers’ needs evolve. Shopware 6 provides a more modular, API-first framework, which translates to more control, better customization, and faster performance. Whether you’re a small business looking to expand or an enterprise trying to optimize, Shopware 6 is built to handle it all.

At Web Solutions NYC, we’ve spent years helping businesses like yours navigate complex migrations and platform transformations. Our team has the experience and expertise to ensure that your migration from Shopware 5 to 6 is seamless, efficient, and most importantly, successful.

In this guide, you’ll discover:

  1. A clear, step-by-step migration process—from preparing your current setup to ensuring everything works flawlessly on Shopware 6.
  2. How to optimize your new platform post-migration, unlocking its full potential for growth and improved customer experiences.
  3. Expert advice and actionable strategies to avoid common pitfalls, troubleshoot issues, and guarantee smooth operations.

By the time you’re done reading, you’ll be fully equipped to handle the migration process and get your business running on Shopware 6 with confidence.

Now, let’s get started by setting you up for success with the pre-migration checklist.

Pre-Migration Checklist: Setting Yourself Up for Success

Before diving headfirst into your Shopware 5 to 6 migration, it’s essential to get everything in order. Preparation is key here—fail to plan, and plan to fail. By taking these simple but powerful steps, you’ll set yourself up for a smooth migration and avoid many of the common headaches businesses face during this process.

Assessing Your Current Shopware 5 Setup

First things first: let’s assess what you’ve got. Before you make the leap to Shopware 6, you need to get an honest look at your current Shopware 5 setup. This includes evaluating your site’s architecture, customizations, and extensions.

For example, are you running a heavily customized store? If so, some of these customizations may not carry over easily to Shopware 6. You’ll need to identify which features require reworking and which ones might need to be rebuilt from scratch in the new environment.

Pro tip: Don’t cling to outdated or clunky features just because you’ve had them forever. This is your chance to upgrade, streamline, and eliminate any digital baggage that’s slowing your store down.

At Web Solutions NYC, we’ve seen businesses hang on to legacy features that simply don’t make sense in a modern platform like Shopware 6. It’s like bringing a flip phone to a smartphone convention—you don’t need it anymore!

Establishing Key Business Goals for Migration

Now that you’ve reviewed what’s working and what’s not, it’s time to ask why are you migrating in the first place? Sure, Shopware 6 is shiny and new, but how does this migration help you reach your business goals?

Here are a few questions to help you align your migration with your overall strategy:

  • Are you looking to increase efficiency? Maybe you want to reduce time spent on manual processes.
  • Is improving customer experience a priority? Perhaps your current site’s loading speed or user interface needs an overhaul.
  • Looking to expand globally? Shopware 6’s multi-language and multi-currency support could open up new markets.

Once you’ve nailed down your business objectives, the migration will be much easier to navigate. Every decision you make during the migration should be in service of these goals.

At Web Solutions NYC, we always tell clients to think big picture. If you’re only focused on the immediate challenges, you’re missing out on opportunities for long-term growth. Use this migration as a chance to future-proof your store.

Backups and Data Safety: Protecting What Matters

Now let’s talk about the most important part of the migration: protecting your data. Losing your data is not an option, so before you hit the “migrate” button, you need to back everything up.

Start by creating a full backup of your Shopware 5 store—products, customer information, orders, the whole shebang. We’ve seen it too many times—businesses dive into migrations and forget this critical step, only to lose months (or even years) of valuable data.

There are a few tools we recommend for backing up your data:

  • Shopware’s built-in backup tool (solid for a quick, no-fuss backup).
  • Third-party backup services like Acronis or CodeGuard, which offer automated backups and extra security layers.

Once your data is safely stored, double-check the backup by running some tests. There’s nothing worse than realizing your backup didn’t work after it’s too late!

And remember: data safety isn’t just about backing up once and calling it a day. During the migration process, things can still go wrong. That’s why we recommend keeping incremental backups at each major step of the migration to ensure you can always roll back if something goes sideways.

With your pre-migration checklist completed, you’re now ready to begin the exciting part—the actual migration! Let’s move on to the step-by-step process that will guide you through a smooth transition to Shopware 6.

The Migration Process: A Step-by-Step Walkthrough

Now that you’re all prepped and ready to go, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and dive into the migration process. This is where the magic happens, and Shopware 6 starts to take shape for your business. Don’t worry—we’ve broken it down into simple, actionable steps to make the whole thing as smooth as a perfectly brewed cup of coffee.

Installing the Migration Assistant

First things first: you need the right tool for the job, and in this case, that’s Shopware’s Migration Assistant. This handy plugin is your secret weapon for moving data from Shopware 5 to Shopware 6 without losing your mind.

Here’s how to install it:

  1. Log in to your Shopware 6 Admin Panel.
  2. Go to the Shopware Store and search for Migration Assistant.
  3. Once found, hit the Install button and let it do its thing.
  4. After installation, go to Settings > Extensions > Migration Assistant to configure it.

And boom! You’ve got the Migration Assistant installed and ready to go. But wait, there’s more—using this tool correctly is crucial for a smooth transition. When configuring the assistant, make sure you select the right data sets (customers, products, orders) that you want to migrate. This ensures nothing important gets left behind.

At Web Solutions NYC, we’ve helped dozens of businesses install and configure this tool. It’s simple, but the key is in the details. Double-check your selections to avoid future headaches.

Transferring Data from Shopware 5 to Shopware 6

Now comes the exciting part—moving your data over. The Migration Assistant will guide you through the transfer process, but let’s get specific about what data is transferrable and how to handle the trickier parts.

Here’s the good news: the Migration Assistant handles all your core data like:

  • Products (including descriptions, prices, and categories)
  • Customers (personal details, order history)
  • Orders (everything from past purchases to shipping details)

But—and here’s where it can get sticky—not all data transfers perfectly. Things like custom themes, plugins, or any heavy customizations on Shopware 5 may not directly transfer. You’ll need to either:

  • Rebuild those functionalities in Shopware 6,
  • Or find compatible plugins in the Shopware 6 ecosystem.

For example, if you’re using a custom-built loyalty system, you might need to look for a Shopware 6-compatible version or recreate it using Shopware 6’s advanced API functionality.

Don’t panic! This is a normal part of the process. Just think of it as an opportunity to upgrade and fine-tune your store’s features. If we’ve learned one thing at Web Solutions NYC, it’s that adaptability is key to thriving in the eCommerce world.

Customizing Your Shopware 6 Setup

Okay, now that your data is transferred, let’s talk customization—because let’s face it, your business is unique, and your online store should be too.

Shopware 6 brings a lot of new tools to the table, so this is your moment to shine. While Shopware 5 may have required custom coding for certain functionalities, Shopware 6 is built for flexibility, making it easier to recreate and enhance your custom features.

Here’s what you can do:

  • Recreate your custom functionalities from Shopware 5 using Shopware 6’s API-first architecture.
  • Take advantage of Shopware 6’s rule builder for personalized shopping experiences, without needing heavy custom development.
  • Implement headless commerce options if you’re looking to really go next level.

At Web Solutions NYC, we often remind our clients to focus on what’s working but ditch what’s holding you back. Shopware 6 is incredibly modular, meaning you can start with the basics and add complexity only where it’s necessary.

For example, one of our clients was using a clunky discount system on Shopware 5 that required manual updates. We rebuilt it using Shopware 6’s Rule Builder, allowing them to automatically apply dynamic discounts based on customer behavior. Simple? Yes. Effective? Absolutely.

Now that you’ve got your data transferred and your custom features set, you’re probably feeling pretty good. But we’re just getting started! Next, we’ll focus on testing and troubleshooting to ensure everything runs perfectly in your shiny new Shopware 6 store. Let’s keep this momentum going!

Ensuring Seamless Functionality: Testing and Troubleshooting

You’ve made it this far—your data’s transferred, your custom features are set up, and you’re almost ready to launch. But hold up, we’re not quite done yet. Before you open the doors to your shiny new Shopware 6 store, it’s time to make sure everything is running smoothly with thorough testing and troubleshooting.

Testing the New Shopware 6 Store

Think of testing as your final dress rehearsal before the big show. You want to catch any issues now, not when your customers are trying to buy their favorite products and running into roadblocks.

Start by testing your store’s frontend functionalities—this is the part your customers will see. Make sure:

  • Checkout processes are seamless (test various payment methods, shipping options, and tax calculations).
  • The site’s loading speed is on point (customers love fast-loading pages; Google loves them even more).
  • Your SEO is intact (run an SEO audit to ensure that the migration hasn’t messed with your meta tags, URLs, or alt text).

Then, move to the backend. This is where you and your team will manage products, orders, customers, and everything in between. Check:

  • Inventory synchronization (does the stock update properly when an item is sold?).
  • Order management workflows (are orders processed correctly from start to finish?).
  • Third-party integrations (make sure any payment gateways, CRMs, or email marketing platforms are still connected and functioning).

At Web Solutions NYC, we use tools like Google Lighthouse for speed tests, Screaming Frog for SEO audits, and Shopware’s own developer tools to check that everything is running perfectly before launch. It’s all about getting granular and not letting even the smallest bug slip through.

Identifying and Fixing Common Migration Errors

Let’s be real—no migration is completely error-free. But the good news is, common issues can be fixed pretty easily once you know what to look for.

Here are a few typical migration hiccups and how to tackle them:

  • Custom modules or plugins not working: Not all Shopware 5 plugins are compatible with Shopware 6. If a plugin doesn’t work, try finding a Shopware 6 equivalent, or consult with your developers about recreating the functionality in a custom module.
  • Theme inconsistencies: Shopware 6 introduces a new design structure, so themes from Shopware 5 won’t carry over directly. You might need to rebuild your theme to fit the new system or hire a designer to refresh your brand.
  • Missing product data: If some of your products didn’t migrate correctly, you may need to manually re-import or adjust how your product data is structured. Make sure product categories, descriptions, and attributes all line up properly.

We once had a client where half their customer reviews went missing post-migration. Not exactly ideal, right? We quickly resolved the issue by checking the database mappings and re-importing the reviews manually. Problem solved in a couple of hours.

If things go wrong, don’t panic—this is all part of the process. And as they say, “It’s not the bugs you catch, it’s the bugs you let loose.” So let’s make sure those bugs never see the light of day.

Engaging Your Team and Partners in the Testing Process

You shouldn’t be the only one testing—get your whole team involved. Have your developers, marketing team, and even customer service take the platform for a spin. Why? Because everyone’s perspective matters, and what seems perfect to one team might reveal critical issues to another.

Here’s how to bring everyone on board:

  • Developers: Ask them to stress-test the backend, checking the data flows, integrations, and security.
  • Marketing team: Have them go through user experience (UX) testing, making sure product pages, banners, and promotions work as intended.
  • Customer service: Get them to simulate customer interactions by placing test orders, tracking shipments, and processing returns.

At Web Solutions NYC, we believe that testing is a team sport. The more eyes on the system, the better. We also support our clients throughout the testing phase, helping them troubleshoot complex issues, optimize performance, and fine-tune the final setup for launch.

Once your team gives the green light, you’re almost ready to launch! But first, let’s make sure we’re optimizing everything for maximum performance in the next section.

Post-Migration Optimization: Unlocking the Full Power of Shopware 6

You’ve done the hard work. Your store is officially migrated to Shopware 6, and now it’s time to shift gears. Post-migration optimization is where you turn your shiny new platform into a lean, mean eCommerce machine. Let’s talk about how to unlock the full potential of Shopware 6—because this platform is more than just an upgrade; it’s a game-changer.

Optimizing for Performance and Speed

In the world of eCommerce, speed is everything. A slow site isn’t just annoying; it’s a conversion killer. Fortunately, Shopware 6 is built to run faster than Shopware 5—if you know how to optimize it.

Start with the basics:

  • Image optimization: Ensure that your images are compressed without losing quality. Use tools like TinyPNG or Shopware’s media management system to automatically handle this.
  • Caching: Shopware 6 has built-in caching tools. Enable these for quicker load times.
  • Content Delivery Network (CDN): Use a CDN like Cloudflare to ensure fast loading speeds for customers around the globe.

But the real star of the show is Shopware 6’s API-first architecture. This modular setup lets you connect third-party apps without slowing things down. Think of it as your store’s personal concierge, keeping everything efficient and lightning-fast behind the scenes.

For example, one of our clients saw a 35% improvement in site speed just by leveraging Shopware’s API to streamline how their data interacted with external systems. The result? Happier customers and a notable bump in conversions.

Now that we’ve got speed covered, let’s focus on how you can delight your customers with new features.

Enhancing the Customer Experience with New Features

Shopware 6 is packed with advanced personalization features that take the customer experience from “meh” to wow. One of its standout capabilities is its ability to create tailored shopping experiences using AI-driven product recommendations.

Imagine this: Customer A loves fitness gear and spends time browsing your yoga mats. With Shopware 6, you can automatically show her yoga-related items the next time she logs in, increasing the chances of conversion. No manual effort required—just smart AI doing the heavy lifting.

Then, there’s the headless commerce capability. This allows you to separate the backend from the frontend, giving you complete control over the user interface without affecting the core operations. You can create beautiful, custom storefronts that are as unique as your brand.

Looking to expand your sales channels? Shopware 6’s omnichannel features let you connect with multiple marketplaces and social channels with ease. Instagram? Facebook Marketplace? eBay? No problem. You can manage all your sales from one centralized system, making it easier than ever to scale your operations.

SEO & Marketing Considerations Post-Migration

Last but definitely not least, let’s talk SEO and marketing—because what’s the point of a flawless migration if no one can find your store?

First, update your SEO strategies to align with Shopware 6’s architecture. Your URLs may have changed slightly, so it’s crucial to ensure you have proper 301 redirects in place to avoid traffic loss. We’ve seen too many businesses skip this step and watch their rankings plummet—don’t be that guy!

Next, take advantage of Shopware 6’s SEO-friendly features:

  • Canonical tags to prevent duplicate content issues.
  • Schema markup to help search engines understand your product data better.
  • Mobile optimization (Google’s mobile-first index is here to stay, folks).

And, of course, always track your progress with tools like Google Search Console and SEMrush to see how your SEO is performing post-migration.

One of our clients had concerns about traffic loss during their migration. By focusing on these SEO best practices, they not only maintained their rankings but also saw a 15% increase in organic traffic within the first three months.

With your site now fully optimized, you’re ready to take on the world (or at least your competitors). In the next section, we’ll cover how to prepare for future growth and make sure your Shopware 6 store is always ahead of the curve. Let’s keep the momentum going!

Preparing for the Future: Scaling and Evolving with Shopware 6

You’ve successfully migrated to Shopware 6—congratulations! Now, it’s time to look ahead and think about scaling and evolving your business with this powerful platform. Shopware 6 isn’t just about maintaining what you already have—it’s about growing and unlocking new opportunities. Let’s dig into how you can prepare for a future of limitless possibilities.

Planning for Future Growth: Shopware 6’s Scalability Features

Here’s the beauty of Shopware 6—it’s built to grow with you. Whether you’re planning to expand into new markets or diversify your offerings, Shopware 6’s scalability ensures that you won’t hit any walls.

Start with its multi-currency and multi-language support. Want to sell in multiple countries? No problem. Shopware 6 allows you to set up localized storefronts, enabling you to reach international customers while managing everything from one centralized platform. You can easily handle currency conversions, taxes, and language translations without needing a bunch of third-party plugins.

For example, we had a client in the fashion industry who was primarily selling in the US but wanted to expand into Europe and Asia. By utilizing Shopware 6’s internationalization features, they were able to set up region-specific storefronts, tripling their global sales within a year.

And don’t forget omnichannel capabilities. Whether you’re selling through social media, marketplaces, or your website, Shopware 6 enables you to manage everything seamlessly. This is the ultimate tool for scaling your business without the technical headache.

Continuous Improvement: What to Expect in Shopware 6 Updates

One of the best things about Shopware 6 is that it keeps getting better. With regular updates, you’ll constantly receive new features and improvements that help your store stay ahead of the competition. The development team behind Shopware is focused on evolving the platform, ensuring that it adapts to new trends and technologies.

So, what can you expect in these updates? Here are a few examples:

  • Performance enhancements: Speed optimizations and backend improvements that make managing your store faster and easier.
  • Security updates: Regular patches to keep your site secure from vulnerabilities.
  • New integrations: Adding support for new third-party services, making it easier to expand your tech stack.

At Web Solutions NYC, we stay on top of these updates for our clients, ensuring that you always have access to the latest and greatest features. We monitor every new release, so you don’t have to worry about whether you’re missing out. Plus, we handle all the heavy lifting—testing and implementing updates—so your store stays up to date without a hitch.

Think of it like getting constant upgrades on your car without ever having to visit the mechanic. You’ll always be driving something sleek, fast, and ahead of the curve.

Training Your Team to Master Shopware 6

The key to maximizing Shopware 6 isn’t just about having a powerful platform—it’s about knowing how to use it effectively. You’ll want to ensure your team is equipped with the right knowledge and resources to take full advantage of everything Shopware 6 has to offer.

Start by providing your team with access to Shopware’s extensive training materials. These include:

  • Step-by-step guides for using the platform.
  • Video tutorials that cover everything from product management to advanced customization.
  • User forums and support to connect with other Shopware users and experts.

At Web Solutions NYC, we go even further. We offer customized training sessions for our clients, tailored to your specific setup and needs. Whether your team needs a deep dive into Shopware 6’s API functionality or a refresher on managing international storefronts, we’ve got you covered.

Plus, we’re always here for long-term support. Whenever you hit a snag or have a question, our experts are just a call or email away. We’ll help you get the most out of Shopware 6—not just today, but every day moving forward.

Now that you’ve got the tools to scale, adapt, and train your team for future success, it’s time to think about how Shopware 6 will continue to evolve alongside your business. In the final section, we’ll wrap things up with a look at how to keep your momentum going and stay competitive in an ever-changing eCommerce landscape. Ready to thrive? Let’s bring it home!

Frequently Asked Questions about Shopware 5 to 6 Migration

Migrating from Shopware 5 to 6 can feel like a big leap, but with the right knowledge, it’s totally manageable. Below are some of the most common questions we hear at Web Solutions NYC, along with practical answers to help guide you through the process.

What Happens to My Custom Plugins and Extensions in Shopware 6?

If you’re running a heavily customized Shopware 5 store, you might be wondering what happens to all those custom plugins and extensions you’ve relied on. The short answer is: it depends.

While Shopware 6 is an incredible upgrade, not all Shopware 5 plugins will automatically work with it. Some plugins have already been rebuilt or updated for Shopware 6, while others may need to be reworked or replaced entirely. The key is to identify which core functionalities these plugins provide and find equivalent solutions in the Shopware 6 ecosystem.

For example, one of our clients was using a custom-built plugin for a loyalty points system in Shopware 5. Rather than recreating it from scratch, we found a ready-made solution within the Shopware 6 marketplace that offered even better features, saving them both time and money.

At Web Solutions NYC, we always recommend reviewing your existing plugins and consulting with us on whether rebuilding or upgrading makes more sense for your specific business needs. Good news: Shopware 6’s API-first approach makes it easier to customize and integrate your favorite tools, even if you need to build something new.

How Long Does the Migration Process Take?

The length of the migration process depends on several factors, including the size of your store, how much customization you have, and the complexity of your data. Here’s a rough breakdown:

  • Small businesses with fewer custom features and a simpler setup can typically complete the migration in 2-4 weeks.
  • Medium-sized businesses with more products, customers, and customizations might need 4-8 weeks.
  • Large enterprises with extensive integrations, custom developments, and multi-store setups could take 3-6 months or more, depending on the complexity of the project.

At Web Solutions NYC, we’ve seen migrations completed in just a few weeks, but we’ve also worked on complex projects that required several months of strategic planning and execution. Our goal is to help you move at a pace that minimizes disruption while ensuring everything is handled with precision.

The key takeaway? Don’t rush the process. Plan ahead, allocate the right resources, and we’ll help you through each phase efficiently.

Can I Migrate Shopware 5 Themes to Shopware 6?

Unfortunately, Shopware 5 themes won’t directly transfer over to Shopware 6. Why? Because Shopware 6 uses an entirely new theme architecture that is more flexible, modern, and aligned with best practices in web design. So, while you won’t be able to just click a button and bring your old theme over, this is actually a great opportunity to refresh your site’s look and feel!

You have a few options here:

  • Rebuild your theme from scratch in Shopware 6, taking advantage of the new design tools and capabilities.
  • Hire a designer to create a brand-new, fully optimized theme that is tailored to your brand and customers.
  • Use one of Shopware 6’s pre-built themes as a starting point and customize it to match your brand’s identity.

One of our clients used this opportunity to completely redesign their storefront, making it more user-friendly and visually engaging. The result? A 20% boost in conversion rates within the first month after relaunch.

If you’re feeling unsure about how to approach theme rebuilding, don’t sweat it. Web Solutions NYC is here to guide you through every step, from designing a stunning new storefront to implementing it flawlessly in Shopware 6.

Now that we’ve addressed some of the most common questions, let’s wrap things up with a look at how to leverage your migration for long-term success. Keep the momentum going!

A Successful Migration Is Just the Beginning: Embrace Shopware 6’s Full Potential

So, you’ve made it. You’ve successfully migrated to Shopware 6 and navigated through the complexities of the transition. But guess what? This is just the beginning. The real power of Shopware 6 lies in how you leverage its features to drive future growth and innovation. Now, it’s time to take full advantage of what this platform can offer.

Ready for the Next Stage of Growth with Shopware 6

Migrating to Shopware 6 isn’t just an upgrade—it’s a launchpad for growth. The possibilities with this platform are endless, whether you’re looking to expand into new markets, introduce cutting-edge features, or simply provide a better shopping experience for your customers.

With Shopware 6, you can:

  • Explore new sales channels with seamless omnichannel capabilities. Want to start selling through Instagram or jump onto a new marketplace? Shopware 6 makes it easy to manage multiple platforms from one central hub.
  • Use personalization tools to deliver a customized experience for every visitor, boosting customer loyalty and retention. Think: personalized recommendations, tailored content, and dynamic product displays—all automated.
  • Test new features and innovations, thanks to Shopware 6’s modular architecture. You don’t have to overhaul the whole system to add something new. Experiment, test, and optimize without disrupting your current operations.

But remember, growth requires ongoing optimization. Just because you’re live on Shopware 6 doesn’t mean the work stops there. Regular updates are released to enhance performance, security, and features, keeping you ahead of the competition. By consistently optimizing your store, you ensure it runs like a well-oiled machine—even as your business evolves.

For example, one of our clients used Shopware 6’s multi-store feature to expand into international markets, increasing their revenue by 45% in the first year post-migration. Shopware 6 made it seamless to manage different regions, currencies, and languages all from one place.

How Web Solutions NYC Can Help You Thrive Post-Migration

At Web Solutions NYC, we don’t just hand you the keys to your new Shopware 6 store and wish you good luck. We stay with you every step of the way, helping you unlock the full potential of your platform long after the migration is complete.

Our team of eCommerce experts provides:

  • Ongoing support to help troubleshoot issues, optimize your store, and implement new features as your business grows.
  • Customized training for your team so they can make the most of the Shopware 6 platform and keep everything running smoothly.
  • Long-term strategy development to ensure that your store is always aligned with your business goals and stays ahead of industry trends.

We’ve helped businesses across industries, from Magento to Shopware to custom platforms, thrive post-migration. Our track record speaks for itself: increased sales, improved site performance, and happier customers.

In one case, we guided a client through not just a smooth migration but a full digital transformation. By integrating new AI-driven marketing tools and fine-tuning their omnichannel strategy, they saw a 70% increase in customer retention and 30% faster site performance.

In short, Web Solutions NYC isn’t just about migration—we’re about making your business thrive. Your success is our success, and we’re here to ensure that Shopware 6 becomes the engine that powers your growth for years to come.

Ready to embrace the future of your eCommerce business? Let’s take it to the next level, together.

Ready to Make Your Shopware 5 to 6 Migration a Success? Sign Up for a Free Strategy Session!

Now that you’ve learned the ins and outs of a successful Shopware 5 to 6 migration, it’s time to take the next step. Whether you’re just getting started or need expert advice on tackling complex customizations, Web Solutions NYC is here to help you make the transition seamless and stress-free.

Why sign up for our free Shopware 5 to 6 migration strategy session?

  • Get a personalized migration plan tailored to your specific business needs.
  • Receive a project estimate with clear timelines and cost breakdowns—no surprises.
  • Benefit from our years of expertise in helping businesses like yours migrate successfully with zero downtime.

We’ll walk you through best practices, show you how to maximize Shopware 6’s full potential, and ensure your eCommerce store is set up for long-term growth.

Ready to get started? Sign up for your free strategy session and project estimate today, and let’s create a roadmap for your Shopware 5 to 6 migration success.

Click here to schedule your session!